
SR | SR+ | SSR | SSR+ |
40000 | 50000 | 70000 | 80000 |
UR | UR+ | UR1 | UR2 | UR3 | UR4 | UR5 |
100000 | 125000 | 130000 | 135000 | 140000 | 145000 | 150000 |

SR | SR+ | SSR | SSR+ |
4000 | 5000 | 7000 | 8000 |
UR | UR+ | UR1 | UR2 | UR3 | UR4 | UR5 |
10000 | 12500 | 13000 | 13500 | 14000 | 14500 | 15000 |

SR | SR+ | SSR | SSR+ |
16% | 20% | 28% | 32% |
UR | UR+ | UR1 | UR2 | UR3 | UR4 | UR5 |
40% | 50% | 52% | 54% | 56% | 58% | 60% |

SR | SR+ | SSR | SSR+ |
12% | 15% | 21% | 24% |
UR | UR+ | UR1 | UR2 | UR3 | UR4 | UR5 |
30% | 37.5% | 39% | 40.5% | 42% | 43.5% | 45% |

Deals 650% DMG to the enemy with the highest ATK, [Stun] the enemy for 1 round and giving [Smash] [Weaken] to the enemy,which decrease enemy's DEF, P.RES, M.RES and ATK by 50% for 2 rounds

Battle Cry
3 angels with the highest ATK enters [Excite] state, increasing their DMG, DEF and CRIT by 60% for 3 rounds. Heals the 3 angels with the lowest HP by 100% of her ATK.

Oriental Beauty

HP+30%, HP+50000

Bright and Eternal

ATK+30%, ATK+5000

Snowy Soul

M.RES+30%, P.RES+30%

Ice Shock

DEF+30%, Leech+15%

Deals 600% P.DMG to 1 enemy and inflicts [Weaken] and [Sunder Armor] to the target, decreasing the target's ATK and DEF by 50% for 2 rounds. Also, it has 80% chance to [Stun] the target for 1 round.

Battle Cry
Bestows 3 allied angels [Excited] state, increasing their DMG and DEF by 60%, Crit by 40% for 3 rounds, and recovering their HP equal to 90% of the MC's ATK.

Oriental Beauty


Bright and Eternal

ATK +25%\nATK +3000

Snowy Soul

P.RES +25%\nM.RES +25%

Ice Shock

DEF +20%\nLeech +10%

Deals 550% P.DMG to 1 enemy,has 70% chance to [Stun] enemy for 1 round, and enemy will enter [Weaken][Sunder Armor]stats which decreased the ATK,DEF by 40% for 2 rounds.

Battle Cry
Bestows 3 allied angels [Excited] state, increasing their DMG and DEF by 50%, Crit by 30% for 3 rounds, and recovering their HP equal to 80% of the MC's ATK.

Oriental Beauty


Bright and Eternal

ATK +20%\nATK +2000

Snowy Soul

P.RES +20%\nM.RES +20%

Ice Shock

DEF +10%\nLeech +5%

Deals 450% P.DMG to 1 enemy, has 60% chance to [Stun] enemy for 1 round and make enemy enter [Weakened] state that decreased the ATK by 30% for 2 rounds.

Battle Cry
3 Angels of our team enter [Excite] state, increasing DMG and DEF by 40% for 3 rounds, and recovering HP equivalent to 70% of the main Angel's ATK.

Oriental Beauty


Bright and Eternal

ATK +15%\nATK +1000

Snowy Soul

P.RES +15%\nM.RES +15%

Deals 400% P.DMG to 1 enemy, has 50% chance to [Stun] enemy for 1 round and make enemy enter [Weakened] state that decreased the ATK by 20% for 2 rounds.

Battle Cry
3 Angels of our team enter [Excite] state, increasing DMG and DEF by 35% for 3 rounds and recovering HP equivalent to 60% of the main Angel's ATK.

Oriental Beauty


Bright and Eternal

ATK +10%\nATK +500

Snowy Soul

P.RES +10%\nM.RES +10%

Deals 360% P.DMG to 1 enemy, has 40% chance to [Stun] enemy for 1 round.

Battle Cry
3 Angels of our team enter [Excite] state, increasing DMG and DEF by 30% for 3 rounds.

Oriental Beauty


Bright and Eternal


Deals 320% P.DMG to 1 enemy, has 30% chance to [Stun] enemy for 1 round.

Battle Cry
3 Angels of our team enter [Excite] state, increasing DMG and DEF by 25% for 3 rounds.

Oriental Beauty


Bright and Eternal


Deals 300% P.DMG to 1 enemy.

Battle Cry
3 Angels of our team enter [Excite] state, increasing DMG by 20% for 3 rounds.

Oriental Beauty



Swimsuit Party
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 50%

Glory Wing
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Sacred Palace
HP UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Idol Angel
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Halloween limited
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Xmas Honey
HP UP : 15%Charm UP : 45%

Spring Festival Whisper
HP UP : 15%Charm UP : 45%

Glory Angel
HP UP : 15%Charm UP : 45%