Jeanne d'Arc

Strength: 310
Intelligence: 310
Endurance: 310
Agility: 310
Potential: 3700

Heavenly Revelation
Deals 180% P.DMG to 3 enemies in back row. If the enemy is affected by any debuff, DMG is doubled.

Deals 400% P.DMG to the enemy who has lowest HP amount and enters [Frenzy] state. Jeanne’s basic attacks are guaranteed to crit and she is immune to all debuffs for 3 rounds.

Fallen Angel

Increases self Max HP by 4% and DEF by 4 %.

Lord of Stars

Increases self ATK by 8% and CRIT by 8%.


Increases self Max HP by 15%.


Jeanne d'Arc
ATK UP : 5%Charm UP : 6%

Jeanne d'Arc
ATK UP : 7%Charm UP : 9%

Swimsuit Party
ATK UP : 7%Charm UP : 9%