
Strength: 505
Intelligence: 505
Endurance: 505
Agility: 505
Potential: 4250

Infinite Tsukuyomi
Deals 280% P.DMG to the enemy with the highest HP percentage and inflict [Break] effect, which decreases enemy's P.RES and M.RES by 80% for 3 rounds. Attack again if it crits (additional attack is up to 2 times)

Deals 220% P.DMG to 3 enemies in back row and inflict [Bleed] effect, which prevents all healing for 3 rounds. The attack is guaranteed to crit if the enemy is in [Poison] state.

Mother Goddess

Increases self ATK by 4% and CRIT by 4%.

Nether Angel

Increases self Crit DMG by 40% and Leech by 6%.

Filthy Body

Increases self Max HP by 12% and DEF by 12%.


ATK UP : 5%Charm UP : 6%

ATK UP : 7%Charm UP : 9%