Storm Dragon

Strength: 1500

Intelligence: 1500

Endurance: 1500

Agility: 1500

Potential: 6000

Squally Thunderstorm

Deals 650% P.DMG to the enemy with the lowest HP, and make the enemy into [Sunder Armor] state which reduce the enemy's DEF by 80% for 4 rounds; If the enemy is killed, deal additional 120% P.DMG to all the enemies, and make them into [Sunder Armor] state for 4 rounds.

Storm Surge

The Storm dragon enters a [Storm] state for 3 rounds, in which she ignores all abnormal effects. Also it increases her ATK by 350% and is guaranteed to crit when she releases basic attack, lasts for 2 rounds (cannot be dispelled). And she will apply [Electric] state which will last for 3 rounds to the enemies (ignore Debuff RES). The enemies who are in [Electric] state will trigger a thunderstorm when receiving damage from basic attack, which will causes all the enemies to receive 10% P.DMG from Storm Dragon.

Golden Glitter EX

ATK +20%\nLeech +10%

Dragon Blood EX

P.RES +25%\nM.RES +25%

Storm Control EX

DEF +35%\nATK +30%

Spirit of Rage EX

Crit DMG +150%

Strength: 1200

Intelligence: 1200

Endurance: 1200

Agility: 1200

Potential: 5200

Storm Dragon Breath

Deals 600% P.DMG to the enemy with the lowest HP and inflict [Pierce] state, which reduces defense by 80% for 4 rounds. If the enemy is killed, deal an additional 100% P.DMG to all enemies and inflict them with [Pierce] state.

Boiling Blood

The Storm dragon completely releases the power of the Thunder Dragon bloodline and enters a [Storm] state for 3 rounds, ignoring all abnormal effects. Also it increases her ATK by 300% and her normal attack must be Crit for 2 rounds.(Cannot be dispelled)

Golden Glitter

ATK +15%\nLeech +10%

Dragon Blood

P.RES +20%\nM.RES +20%

Storm Control

DEF +25%, ATK +25%

Soul of Rage

Crit DMG +100%


Sacred Palace

ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Lightning Speed

ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Graceful Wind - Storm Dragon

ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%