Zodiac Ox

Strength: 805

Intelligence: 805

Endurance: 805

Agility: 805

Potential: 4600

Lead the charge

Deals 250% P.DMG to 3 front enemies, and putting it into [Sunder Armor] state, reducing DEF by 50%. All allies will also enter the state of [Excite], ATK+25%. States last for 2 rounds.

Glass of Milk

Clear a random debuff was dispelled, recover HP by 80% of Zodiac Ox's ATK . And all angels increase 30% DEF, 30% P.RES and 30% M.RES for 3 rounds.

Invisible intelligence

Max HP +5%, DEF +5%


Max HP +10%, Debuff RES +10%


ATK+15%, Debuff RES+15%

Tall and stalwart

P.RES +20%\nM.RES +20%


Zodiac Ox has no fashion. She must be so sad.