
SR | SR+ | SSR | SSR+ |
20% | 25% | 35% | 40% |
UR | UR+ | UR1 | UR2 | UR3 | UR4 | UR5 |
50% | 62.5% | 65% | 67.5% | 70% | 72.5% | 75% |

SR | SR+ | SSR | SSR+ |
12% | 15% | 21% | 24% |
UR | UR+ | UR1 | UR2 | UR3 | UR4 | UR5 |
30% | 37.5% | 39% | 40.5% | 42% | 43.5% | 45% |

Strength: 1655
Intelligence: 1655
Endurance: 1655
Agility: 1655
Potential: 6100

Moonlight Sigil
Chang'e shoots 15 moonbeams at the enemy with the lowest HP. Each beam causes 50% P.DMG, gives the enemy 1 [Moonlight] mark (stacks up to 18 times, ignoring RES), and has a 20% chance of putting Chang'e in [Moon God] state (stacks up to 6 times). (Both states last for unlimited rounds and are non-dispellable.) If the target dies, all enemies receive 1 [Moonlight] mark.\n\n[Moon God]: Increases Chang'e's ATK and CRIT by 5%.

Bunny Bomb
The Jade Hare shreds all the remaining [Moonlight] marks on the enemy, and randomly performs 6 single attacks. Enemies receive DMG according to [Moonlight] marks on them. Enemies with 0-5 marks receive 120% P.DMG; enemies with 6-11 marks receive 180% P.DMG; enemies with 12-17 marks receive 200% P.DMG; enemies with 18 marks receive 200% P.DMG and an extra 20% True DMG. (Marks won't be reset)

Dimness EX

ATK +20%\nLeech +5%

Shine EX

P.RES +25%,\nCRIT +20%

Waxing EX

M.RES +25%\nATK +30%

Waning EX

CRIT +40%\nCritical DMG +50%

Strength: 1285
Intelligence: 1285
Endurance: 1285
Agility: 1285
Potential: 5300

Lone Moon
Chang'e shoots 12 moonbeams at the enemy with the lowest HP. Each beam causes 50% P.DMG and gives the enemy 1 [Moonlight] mark (lasts for unlimited rounds, stacks up to 12 times, ignoring RES, non-dispellable). If the target dies, gives 1 [Moonlight] mark to all enemies.

Bunny Pounce
The Jade Hare shreds all the remaining [Moonlight] marks on the enemy, and randomly performs 6 single attacks. Enemies receive DMG according to [Moonlight] marks on them. Enemies with 0-5 marks receive 100% P.DMG; enemies with 6-11 marks receive 150% P.DMG; enemies with 12 marks receive 180% P.DMG. (Marks won't be reset)


ATK +15%\nLeech +5%


P.RES +15%\nCRIT +15%


M.RES +20%\nATK +20%


CRIT +30%\nCritical DMG +30%


ATK UP : 7%Charm UP : 9%

ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Sacred Palace
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Shadowless Moonlight-Chang'e
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Garden Strolling - Chang'e
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Lunar Radiance
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%