
SR | SR+ | SSR | SSR+ |
12% | 15% | 21% | 24% |
UR | UR+ | UR1 | UR2 | UR3 | UR4 | UR5 |
30% | 37.5% | 39% | 40.5% | 42% | 43.5% | 45% |

SR | SR+ | SSR | SSR+ |
12% | 15% | 21% | 24% |
UR | UR+ | UR1 | UR2 | UR3 | UR4 | UR5 |
30% | 37.5% | 39% | 40.5% | 42% | 43.5% | 45% |

Strength: 1660
Intelligence: 1660
Endurance: 1660
Agility: 1660
Potential: 6050

War Wrath
Ares swings her twin swords and attacks all enemies twice. The first attack deals 120% P.DMG and doubles the damage against enemies with higher current HP percentage than herself. The second attack deals 120% P.DMG and doubles the damage against enemies with lower Max ATK than herself.

Rampage Swordplay
Deal 700% P.DMG to one enemy and splash 20% of damage as True DMG to all other enemies. If the enemy is not killed, chase and attack again, up to 3 times.

Bloodlust Madness EX

ATK+15%, Leech+15%

Spartan Shield EX

DEF +20%\nHP +20%

Burning Bloodline EX

Crit +30%\nHP +30%

Sword of Overlord EX

ATK +35%\nCrit DMG+40%

Strength: 1300
Intelligence: 1300
Endurance: 1300
Agility: 1300
Potential: 5210

War Howl
Ares swings her twin swords and attacks all enemies twice. The first attack deals 100% P.DMG and doubles the damage against enemies with higher current HP percentage than herself. The second attack deals 100% P.DMG and doubles the damage against enemies with lower Max ATK than herself.

Savage Swordplay
Deal 600% P.DMG to one enemy. If the enemy is not killed, chase and attack again, up to 2 times.

Bloodlust Madness

ATK +10%\nLeech +10%

Spartan Shield

DEF +15%\nHP +15%

Burning Bloodline

Crit +20%\nHP +20%

Sword of Overlord

ATK +25%\nCrit DMG +30%


Pyroblade Maiden - Ares
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%

Lounge Lady - Ares
ATK UP : 10%Charm UP : 45%